3D Models of Famous Structures
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3rd Quarter Project – 3D Models of Famous Structures
This fun project will help us learn about the famous structures around the world. Each 6th grader will be assigned a different structure to construct. On March 6th, all structures will be on display at the school science fair to create a fascinating global perspective of our world.
Each student will choose a structure of interest in class. This project will be done primarily at home and brought to class on Wednesday, March 5th. Structures must be removed from the classroom by Friday, March 7th @ 4:00 PM or students will lose twenty percent off of their overall grade.
The students should follow the specifications below and pay attention to each detail. Points are assigned to each category.
- The base of the project MUST be a foam board 18” X 24” (These dimensions are half the size of a standard foam board. Do not build your structure on a bigger base!)
- Research your structure and include the following in a card stock information board glued to the front of your project:
· Bold name of structure
· Your name
· Location
· Description of place
· Year built
· Architect
· Materials used in construction
· Function and or purpose of structure
· Significance of the structure - Build your structure using any materials. It must be built or constructed. You may not use whole, store-bought pieces or prefabricated models. It does not need to be perfect, but should reflect creativity, detail, and effort!
- The landscaping around the building should reflect the real area where your structure sits.
- You may use store bought trees, cars, etc… for this section.
- Do NOT bring your project in before Wednesday, March 5th. If for some reason you MUST bring it in before, please speak with me individually.
- If you have any other questions or are unclear on any of the directions, please do not hesitate to come ask me for help, input, or advice.
- Have Fun!!!
The following structures will be used in this project:
Big Ben
Taj Mahal
St. Basil’s Cathedral
Sidney Opera House
Golden Dome
Hanging gardens
Empire State Building
White House
Great Pyramid
Millenium Tower
Space Needle
Eiffel Tower
Great Wall
Sistine Chapel
Leaning Tower of Pisa
CNN Tower
Independence Hall
Pearl harbor
Notre Dame
Chrysler Building
Madison Square Garden
Angkor Wat
Rock n’ roll Hall of Fame
The following grading rubric will be used for this project:
6th Grade Social Studies
3-D Model Project
~Grading Rubric ~
Turned in on February 7 with Information Card______________/40
Building looks authentic ______________________/12
Building is well done and reflects proper effort__________________/10
½ of a foam board is used for the base________________/ 8
Exterior has appropriate decoration or authentic landscaping____________/10
Information card has appropriate information___________________/10
Information card is neat and accurate________________________/10
Total:___________________/ 100